“When Chadwick Laughed It Was Full Of Joy!“ Martin Freeman On Wakanda Forever & Chadwick Boseman ❤️

Martin Freeman Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Interview Simon from It’s Gone Viral spoke to Martin Freeman about his latest movie, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever! Martin Freeman told us about the time he improvised Shakespeare after forgetting a vital prop; how lucky he feels to a part of the MCU playing Everett Ross, how he feels about being called a national treasure and whether he’s ever likely to return as Watson and team up with Benedict Cumberbatch again in Sherlock. Plus, Martin Freeman shared with us his own touching tribute to Chadwick Boseman, telling us that he admired Chadwick even more after his death because how he conducted himself on set despite everything he was going through, and how he missed laughing on set with him. Thanks for watching our Martin Freeman Wakanda Forever interview and don’t forget to subscribe! #WakandaForever #MartinFreeman #BlackPantherWakandaForever #ChadwickBoseman FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK:
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