Nobody can save you but yourself. Part 1 l Nguyen Thieu Official

Is it possible that even if I have been vaccinated against COVID-19 I will still get infected? While the COVID-19 vaccine is highly effective, especially against hospitalization and severe illness, no vaccine offers 100% protection. As a result, there will be a small percentage of those vaccinated who still get sick and die despite receiving 2 doses of the Covid vaccine because: Not everyone produces antibodies for immunity. So in addition to receiving 2 doses of Covid vaccine, take Colostrum “Alpha Lipid Lifeline” to help generate antibodies for immunity. Phone number 84908785667. I am extremely grateful and look forward to serving you, teachers and friends the very best. Best regards #Толя ДоНгуенТхиеу #OngNoiCuaChau # Nguyen Thieu Official #ThuocDangDaTat #KhiCongViet
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