Grass Theme - HoMM2 MIDI music

The MIDI version of the grass terrain theme in Heroes of Might and Magic II (The Succession Wars) by Paul Romero. Rendered in Timidity with five patchsets/SoundFonts and two speeds. Original tempo: 0:00 - EAWPATS (Gravis UltraSound) 1:45 - DGGUSPAT 3:35 - Roland SC-55 (Patch93 with Timidity fix) 5:20 - Fluid R3 7:10 - GeneralUser Tempo matching the CD audio (92%, 8% slowed down): 8:55 - EAWPATS (Gravis UltraSound) 10:50 - DGGUSPAT 12:50 - Roland SC-55 (Patch93 with Timidity fix) 14:45 - Fluid R3 16:40 - G
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