Islamist and leftist attacks on German right-wing politicians - and the biased media response

Attacks on German right-wing politicians seem to be accelerating - after the fatal stabbing at an anti-Islamism rally in Mannheim, there was another stabbing just a few days later. But the media response has been to minimise the attacks and their motives, with headlines implying that the attackers were “far-right“. They also blurred the face of the Islamist stabber - even though they were happy to show the faces of some kids who’d been filmed singing “Auslander Raus“ (outsiders out), which I think any sane person would think was less of a crime. It doesn’t seem to have worked though - the left-wing SDP have been trounced in the European elections, finishing third behind the right-wing AfD. And interestingly, the AfD’s support is highest amongst young people, rather than “gammons“ (or whatever they’re called in Germany - Schweinefleischers?) Join my Patreon for access to exclusive content - videos, podcasts, livestreams, roasts and standup! See my video on: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Twitter: Paypal:
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