Graffiti Tutorial: How to improve Letter Structure | (Kingspray VR)

Hey everyone! In this video I go over the long requested tutorial- Letter Structure! This is a video that has been requested by a lot of viewers for a while now, and here it finally is! Letter Structure Tutorial Video in a nutshell: 1) Practice the basic structure of letters (rectangles for bombs and rounded corners for throwies) 2)Once you got that down, begin to experiment with your letters along that same basic structure/flow enough to add some style but not deviate too far from the original letter 3) Once your comfortable forming letters passed the basic structure point and onto the semi-styled point (step 2), feel free and don’t hesitate to really start letting your imagination run wild and start to create the craziest letters you can! Thinking about doing the VR part of this video for every letter in the alphabet. What do you think? Comment below! ▼Check out my clothing brand:▼ ▼Subscri
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