The Psychology Behind “Nice Guys Finish Last“ | Keith Campbell | EP 480
Foundations of the West is out now on DailyWire :
Keith Campbell’s course on Peterson Academy:
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with author, researcher, and professor of psychology at the University of Georgia, Dr. Keith Campbell. They delve deep into the weeds of narcissism, exposing the “good guy” fallacy; why alpha males attract more women; the axis of introversion, extroversion, and neuroticism as it applies to personality disorders; and the obsession with self-esteem which only fosters misery.
W. Keith Campbell, Ph.D., professor of psychology at the University of Georgia, is the author of more than 200 scientific papers and several books, including “The New Science of Narcissism” and “Professor OCEAN: A small tale of personality’s Big Five.” His work on personality has appeared across print media and he has made numerous media appearances, from the “Today Show” to the “Joe Rogan Experience.” He wrote the popular TED-Ed lesson on narc
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