How to get the most from the LG C3 - Best Settings Guide

Accompanying our full review of the LG 42C3, here’s the best settings for the screen, so you can get the most out of it for PC usage and using this display as a monitor. ======================== PURCHASING Buy relevant products (affiliate links): * Buy the LG 42C3 (2023) from Amazon: * Buy the LG 42C2 (2022) from Amazon: ======================== USEFUL LINKS FOR THIS VIDEO * LG 42C3 video review: * LG 42C3 written review: -----COMING SOON----- * Get our calibrated ICC profile by joining our Patreon supporters: * OLED dimming, ABL, ASBL explained: * LG AutoCal and hardware calibration guide: * Here’s Why You Should Only Enable HDR Mode on Your PC When You Are Viewing HDR Content:
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