Vitaly Milonov - Most nasty and dangerous homophobe.
I had to give this a wider audience. This is Vitaly Milonov, a Russian politician who was responsible for the their “gay propaganda“ law. Listen to the hideous homophobic, offensive language he uses when approached by Reggie Yates of the BBC. And this is a high ranking politician? In 90% of the world this utterly disgusting man would be guilty of hate crimes. I feel so bad for gay people having to live through this nightmare in Russia and thankful that I live in a tolerant society.
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4 months ago 00:00:58 1
Срочно! Это Коснется Всех!
4 months ago 00:00:38 1
БОНДАРЕНКО: “ЕСТЬ 2 ВИДА ДЕПУТАТОВ...“😱 #shorts #дневникдепутата #АмиранСардаров
4 months ago 00:00:25 1
“БАБУШКИ РОЮТСЯ ПО МУСОРКАМ“ - БОНДАРЕНКО🗑️ #shorts #дневникдепутата #АмиранСардаров
4 months ago 00:00:39 1
БОНДАРЕНКО: “Я ЛЮБЛЮ РОССИЮ ЗА ...“💖 #shorts #дневникдепутата #АмиранСардаров