Серый журавль (Grus grus) - Common crane | Film Studio Aves

Серый журавль, сняли на болоте Ельня в Беларуси. Every year, the Miory District (Belarus) welcomes over 4,000 cranes and more than 10,000 geese. Migrating birds stop at the Yelnya upland marsh to rest and prepare themselves for the onward journey, allowing bird watchers the chance to observe and photograph these noble birds in their natural habitat. The Yelnya Hydrological Reserve (of Republican significance) was set up 1968 and, in 1981, its borders were expanded. The reserve is located across the Vitebsk Region’s Miory and Sharkovshchina districts and remains almost untouched since post-glacial times. This truly unique marsh environment is home to rare and endangered plants and animals. It plays an important role in preserving the Belarusian and European landscape and biological diversity. Since 2002, Yelnya has been a water-marsh territory of international significance. Видео - Никита Бышнёв, Илья Бышнёв, Дмитрий Якубович. Спасибо Валерию Ковалёнку. Мы в FB - Мы
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