Ménage à Trois ‘Jet Set Superstar’ - 1980 (Gabriel Byrne, May Pang, Barry Devlin & Twink)

Ménage à Trois, featuring the actor Gabriel Byrne and New Yorkers May Pang and Pandora Moore perform ‘Jet Set Superstar’. In 1980 the actor Gabriel Byrne joined by New Yorkers May Pang and Pandora Moore release the single ‘Jet Set Superstar’ under the name Ménage à Trois. ‘Jet Set Superstar’ is written by Barry Devlin of Horslips fame and co-produced and arranged by his bandmate Jim Lockhart. Gabriel Byrne, best known for his role in the RTÉ television drama ’Bracken’ supplies the male vocals. May Pang an
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