Happy April Fools’ Day ⊂彡☆))∀`)

NeW MUsIc PAcK [Ola Dash] FeATuReS 6 sONgS. UnlOck iT TO oBtAin tHe CHaRaCtER [Boxer Ola (CV: Mariya Ise)], 1 tITLe ScReEN, 1 iLLuSTratIon, aNd ThE BRaNd neW sOuND eFFEcTs. CHAnGe IT iN [Option - Audio]! Ola Ola!! [ぶっとばスーパーノヴァ - ななひら&ころねぽち] AnD [Rush-Hour - litmus*] aRe ADdeD wiTh HIddEn SHeETS. TAp tHE mAStEr DIFfiCuLTy bUTtOn frANnkly TO UnLOcK iT! Ola Ola Ola!!! A nEw sONg IS aDdED tO [Just as Planned] Plus. ThE OUtSidE WoRLd iS fUll Of cONfUsiOn aNd diSoRDer. ONLy hERe iS...? Ola Ola Ola Ola!!!! UnLoCk a CHaMpiOn Ola iLLuStRAtiOn aND a Bilibili’s 400,000 FoLLoWeRs cOnGrAtUlAtoRY illUSt...rATioN bY cHiPs! Mar 31 - Apr 9 50% OFF the base game,20% OFF the [Just as Planned] DLC Uninstalling Muse Dash... Ola Dash is now installed on your device
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