Belfast, Northern Ireland.
GV. Ring with boxing match - fight for British featherweight title between Billy Kelly and Charlie Hill - in progress (title super over). SCU. Top view, Kelly (Londonderry) attacking Hill (Glasgow) on ropes. Kelly lands right hook - follows with a left and right. Kelly still chasing Hill and lands left, right, Hill staggers and nearly goes down. Kelly still chasing, Hill pinned against ropes. Hill gets Kelly on ropes and fights back. End of round, boxers go to corners. SV. Kelly sitting in corner being attended to by seconds. SCU. Crowd. SCU. Top view, boxers in r Kelly hits Hill with right fist. Shot from ringside. Hill going down. Referee rushes over, tells Kelly to go back to his corner, goes over to Hill and starts to count (Hill resting on one knee). SCU. Top view - Hill on one knee, referee counting. In write up said that Hill was down for eight - but we only have three counts. Hill gets up and fighting continues. SCU. People at ringside including Tommy Farr. ElevateShow more