Avicii - LEVELS flashmob (contest cover)

WATCH IN HD!! Thanks to you, our video storyline (getting 30 tickets to Avicii’s concert in Stockholm) came true!!!! This video was an entry for a competition Avicii had, where the three best flashmob videos to LEVELS, got a bunch of tickets to one of his concerts. We had a great time making this video and want to thank everyone who participated! And of course we want to thank AVICII for making such a great song!!! The dance in this video is originally from another video we made for another contest Avicii had. We were one of the winners to be in the official LEVELS fan made youtube video, which was really awesome! It was uploaded on our old account called iamnoFerrarri, but it has been hijacked so we don’t have access to it anymore, and therefore we created a new account, which is this one -- TheiamnoFerrarri Thanks again! And pleeeease subscibe to our channel so that we can share future videos with yall!!
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