Helmet Padding Meshing (no tetrahedron elements)

In this video, I demonstrate an approach on how to mesh a helmet padding. The same trick can be used on other parts. The superstar of this tutorial is the Project option which can be found under Transform tool. Things covered in this tutorial: - How to use AutoMesher tool to generate shell elements - How to reverse the shell normals - How to use MoveCopy tool to change the part ID - How to use Duplicate Merge Tools with desirable tolerance - How to use replace nodes with Node Editing tool - How to Generate Elements with Shell Offset option - How to use Morph Tool - How to Project to Surface (under Transform Tool) The link to the sample file is here: If the link is not accessible, then you can download from my cloud: :u:/g/personal/ameen_topa_utp_edu_my/EV1WCqAqMYVJmucjAorcIq0BdIhqN2a9jFbKITXbB96xzQ?e=vzN84O
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