What Is Democracy?
Hi! This is Lyubomir Bogoyavlensky.
What Is Democracy?
Democracy is the power of people, not a part of them, but of all people living in the country. Democracy means that each person can influence the decisions.
How to reach democracy in the country? It is a very difficult problem.
Always there are people who want to dictate their will to the others. This will can be bad for other people. How to limit such people who always try to get as much power as they can get? With this aim people of the state adopt certain rules which regulate the life of the society. These rules are called laws. Often there is the main rule. It is called constitution. It says about main principles of state life.
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Переклад Любомира Богоявленського:
Привіт! Це Любомир Богоявленський.
Що таке демократія?
Демократія – це влада людей (народу), не їх частини, але всіх людей, які живуть у країні. Демократія означає, що кожна людина може приймати рішення (або іншими словами «впливати