Fire Giant Armor Set & New Fiery Atgeir Weapons! - Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Dawn of Ragnarok DLC
We have more AC Valhalla Dawn of Ragnarok DLC News. Here is a no-nonsense breakdown of the brand new Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Fire Giant Set that will be released soon in the AC Valhalla Dawn of Ragnarok DLC which will be released on March 10th.
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First of all, this muspel Fire Giant armor set looks spicy and I’m not sure I’ll be running around Svartalfheim in the Dawn of Ragnarok AC Valhalla DLC, however, the stats are pretty interesting. You pick up an increase in melee weapon damage on the basis that your weapons are on fire, this fire giant armor set is no question a close-quarters melee fire build.
However, the two new weapons that will also be making an appearance in AC Valhalla Dawn of Ragnarok DLC is the Muspel Spark Atgeir weapon where I show you all the combat gameplay and new moves it has in-game as well as Calder’s Fury, which is a new fiery Dane Axe, previously owned by a mysterious Muspel scientist!
We’ve also got another new armor set to discuss in the upcom