ONE OK ROCK YouTube Livestream

#oneokrock #livestream #brokenheartofgold Supported by YouTube Music 【ONE OK ROCK first ever YouTube Livestream! 】 Streamed on May 27th at 11:30 PM. With each member participating remotely, they spoke on upcoming activities. Some surprise announcements were also made during the stream. [Timeline] 8:51 Opening 17:07 Introduction of Renegades cover by fans 36:51 “Broken Heart of Gold“ release announcement 41:25 Open call application “Broken Heart of Gold“ music video 48:07 Acoustic live in July announcement 59:16 Ending ★An open call for a music video submission: ★Acoustic Live Stream: 【ONE OK ROCKとして初となるYouTube生配信!】 5月27日23時30分に実施。 今回のYouTube生ų
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