Sylvester Stallone Fist Bumps Fan in Rome

Sylvester Stallone fist bumps fans while walking with friends in Rome, Italy. The Tulsa actor was spotted walking with several bodyguards and receiving continuous support from fans who were delighted to see the Hollywood star. He gave one fan a high five and another a fist bump while taking several selfies along the way. The legendary star appeared worry free before getting into his waiting vehicle in spite of his pending divorce. His wife of 25-years, Jennifer Flavin, surprised the world when she announced she was divorcing the Rocky actor in August, stating in divorce papers: “Upon information and belief, the Husband has engaged in the intentional dissipation, depletion and/or waste of marital assets which has had an adverse economic impact on the marital estate“, this according to TMZ. Sylvester Stallone release a short statement, claiming: “I love my family. We are amicably and privately addressing these personal issues“ The estranged couple will be appearing t
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