ROV Dive S0468 - JaichMaa ’ja’ag Vent Field

Join ROV SuBastian from the RV Falkor for the seventh dive of the Interdisciplinary Investigation of the Pescadero Basin expedition. The JaichMaa ’ja’ag Vent Field consists of four large and several small hydrothermal edifices aligned north-south-ish and spanning a 400 m distance. The large edifices are up to 50 m across and 22 m high. The primary objective of this dive is to continue collecting heat flow data using the heat flow probe on transects across the vent field. A secondary goal is to collect push cores of sediment near and far from the vents. The on-bottom location is about 400 m south of the southernmost of the large edifices. This location is on an AUV subbottom profile track, and the dive will begin by continuing the heat flow transect working northward along the subbottom track, which passes east of the chain of edifices. #PescaderoVentDiving2
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