You’re Going Down Storyboarded Scourge MAP | (CLOSED) BACKUPS OPEN

Edit 05/08: Backup spots have been reopened just incase! Hey again! To be honest, I find the idea of Scourge MAPs kinda fun! Some MAPs like Aha! and Shiny were really good ones, but since I missed those trains, I’m gonna host my own Scourge themed MAP :D Last time I hosted a MAP was 2018 so it’s been quite a while, but I thought since I’ve had this AMV idea storyboarded n just lying around that I could make something out of it! Excuse the style-shifting throughout the boards, some of the scenes are kinda old. ^^’ - - - - - - - - - RULES/INFORMATION: DESIGNS: SCRIPT: PARTS PLAYLIST: - - - - - - - - - (Make su
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