The Writing Process Begins With A Deadline - Marc Scott Zicree

BUY THE BOOK - THE TWILIGHT ZONE COMPANION Marc Scott Zicree is the author of THE TWILIGHT ZONE COMPANION and has written for shows such as STAR TREK – THE NEXT GENERATION, SLIDERS, DEEP SPACE NINE, BABYLON 5, SMURFS, HE-MAN, REAL GHOSTBUSTERS and many more. Marc and his wife Elaine Zicree have worked for virtually all the major studios and networks. In addition to writing, directing and producing great projects for film, TV and books (including the forthcoming GUILLERMO DEL TORO’S CABINET OF CURIOSITIES), Marc and Elaine mentor thousands of others toward successful careers in the Industry via The Table industry roundtable meetings. THE TWILIGHT ZONE COMMENTARIES BY MARC SCOTT ZICREE SUBSCRIBE TO MARC’S YOUTUBE CHANNEL MORE VIDEOS WITH MARC SCOTT ZICREE CONNECT WITH MARC SCOTT ZICREE
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