Yes - And You And I - Live at . 1975 (Remastered)

Audio & Video Remastered by BrunoSamppa, July 2022.🤲Support via Ko-Fi: Still murky and busy mix. But i can’t do miracles, can i? I spent more time on this than I anticipated. Lot of things that i don’t want explain ’cause it’s pretty boring. But i used tools like Modeled EQs, Customized Virtual Stereolizer Image and Balance every section manually to restore some dynamics of the song due the volume fluctuations and so on. I sharpenned the video to the limit and cleaned up the analog noise and digital compression artifacts. Far from perfect? Sure. But at least an attempt to improve. Anyway, when the music is great, they can suppresses the technical imperfections. Hope you can enjoy. If my work worth to you, please consider make a small donation via to support this Channel. It can help me to enhance my PC in order to do more Remastering without struggling so much. Thank You Very Much! Cheers!
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