Cluster on Brain Records, Brian Eno and Harmonia | Red Bull Music Academy
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Highly influential and utterly unique, Hans-Joachim Roedelius and the late Dieter Moebius shaped the direction of popular music – without even intending to do so.
This talk, at the 2010 Red Bull Music Academy in London, takes in their earliest collaborations as Cluster, their work with Neu’s Michael Rother as Harmonia, their longstanding relationship with producer Conny Plank and their friendship with Brian Eno.
#Cluster #Harmonia #RedBullMusicAcademy
9:45 - Early influences
17:46 - Catholic record label
25:30 - Brain Records
30:10 - Harmonia
43:08 - Brian Eno
57:21 - Krautrock
3:34 - Kluster – “Klopfzeichen Pt. 2”
16:17 - Kluster – “Electric Music Und Text”
21:43 - Cluster – Untitled
27:05 - Cluster – “Im Süden”
32:58 - Harmonia – “Ohrwurm”
34:15 - Harmonia – “Watussi”
38:35 - Cluster – “James”
41:06 - Cluster – “Heisse Lippen”
46:54 - Harmonia – “Notre Dame”
The Red Bull Music Academy is a global music institution committed to fostering creativity in music. We celebrate music, its culture, and the transformative minds behind it. Begun in 1998, the Academy has taken the core principles that underlie its annual workshop for selected participants and applied this curatorial approach to events, lectures, and city-wide festivals throughout the year.
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