ep44 - Sailing Long Island - Greenport, Huntington & New York - HR54 Cloudy Bay - Sep 2018
After a night in Orient Bay near Greenport NY, s/v Cloudy Bay (Hallberg-Rassy 54) leaves the quiet anchorage at sunrise with a long day sail to Huntington NY. So this sailing trip takes us along the north shore of Long Island, from the north fork to Huntington. Once in Huntington we take a mooring buoy from Huntinton Yacht Club and spend few days there, hiding from the remnants of Hurricane Florence as it comes back offshore. There were several days of very heavy rain and strong winds, and we were grateful for the shelter in Huntington Harbor. We also have a guest, Glen’s son. On a less rainy day we take him on a train ride to New York City and explore the key sights of Manhattan. 17-26 September 2018
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2 weeks ago 00:23:43 1
Крах демократии в Звездных войнах: кто правит в далекой галактике
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