Here it is, the decompiled Multimedia Fusion 2 Application file of Cy-Clone (Russian Alawar release, known as “Боевой клон“, lit. Combat Clone) obtained with NebulaFD version build of May 30, 2024, 15:52.
When I was decompiling Cy-Clone with Anaconda Mode 4, I wasn’t able to decompile Acts 1 to 6. So, finally, with NebulaFD I was able to decompile Acts 1 to 6, too. Now, the official names of enemies and bosses of Cy-Clone that were been hiding under the hood for 16 years straight, have finally been revealed.
Special thanks to Yunivers from Yunicode Discord server for making NebulaFD!
And yes, Oddity Games was actually trading under Lo-Jen Ltd.
By the way, here’s the Yandex Disk download link to the decompiled MFA file from Cy-Clone:
It’s also on Internet Archive, uploaded by me:
Thomas Jenns, please, don’t let your both the original MFA and Flash sources for Cy-Clone become lost forever. You’re a legend for contracting with Alawar Entertainment to publish the cyrillic version.
Full playlist of all my Cy-Clone (PC) - ____ Only playthroughs:
All the high-quality Cy-Clone (PC) music here, all uploaded by me:
Feel free to join my VK Group dedicated to Cy-Clone:
#CyClone #БоевойКлон
1 week ago 00:11:17 1
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