Grab a frosty beverage, find a comfy chair, and put on some of your special “nice“ underwear. For today, friends, Katya shall regale you with a tale so epically grandiose that . Tolkien will be pooping in his grave. Sit back, relax, and enjoy a thrilling look back at a freezing mountaintop in Tecate, Mexico, where a diaper-wearing mass of humanity shared a communal experience like none other.
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About the Podcast:
F*ggy Bald f**ks by day, wildly successful crossdressing bombshells by night. The Bald and the Beautiful with Trixie Mattel and Katya Zamo feature a pair of grizzled gay ghouls exploring the culture boundaries of modern beauty through interviews with gorgeous guests who inhabit various facets of the beauty industry. From models, moguls, influencers, drag queens, adult performers, actors, and more, Trixie and Katya break down the beauty behind it all.
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