We of the world. Francisco Azuela, Mexico. Встречаем поэта мира Francisco Azuela из Мехико

Francisco Azuela. Was born on March 8, 1948 in León, Guanajuato. México. Candidate of the Honduran Academy of the Language to the CENVANTES International Literature Prize of Spain in 1981. Decorated by the Honduran government with the Order of the Liberator of Central America “Francisco Morazán“, officer’s grade. Ambassador of the International Poets of the World Movement in Bolivia, 2005. Ambassadeur de la Paix 2006, Geneve, Capitale Mondiale de la Paix. Membership of the Societé Mondiale es Poètes - World Society of Poets. Grèce with one of the 4 Awards granted by a prestigious jury of the California State Polytechnic University, through its Department of English and Foreign Languages (College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences), to integrate the Spring Harvest International 2006 / 2007, one of the most prestigious English language editions in the United States. He was invited by the Center for Modern Literature of Iran to participate in the First
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