Prof. Vladimir Leonidovich Raikov, MD, CREATIVE HYPNOSIS, in Russian

Medical Center Arbat, Moscow, October, 16, 1989 Group Hypnosis. Camera: Prof. Petr Zivny. Vladimir Leonidovich Raikov - (1934-2007), Psychiatrist - Psychotherapist, Head of the Laboratory for Hypnosis at the State Scientific and Research Centre for Preventive Medicine, president of the National Association of Creative and Clinical Hypnosis, co-president of the International Association of Theoretical and Experimental Hypnosis, member of the American Association of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, professor of the Milan University of New Medicine. Contact: International Center of Experimental and Applied Hypnosis (ICEAH), Caterina da Forlì, 58 - 20146 Milano, cell. 340 8621773, E-Mail: ipnosi@
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