The Fifth Man by Roland Perry (1994) RP on Victor Rothschild (1910-90) ’Creator of Israel’ in 1948
’No1’ Creator of the state of Israel in 1948 - Roland Perry talks about his 1994 biography of Victor Rothschild (1910-90)
Book: The Fifth Man (1994) TX 20 Dec 2020
Lord Victor Rothschild: Soviet Spy The Fifth Man after Burgess, MacLean, Philby, Blunt, and Key Architect of the Israeli State
Interview with Roland Parry, author of The Fifth Man, a biography of Victor Rothschild’s life as a Soviet spy through World War Two and the Cold War - From Melbourne Australia journalist Roland Perry reveals a fragment of the dark side of WWII you’ ll never learned about in school or heard in the historical narrative of WWII; of how one of the Anglo-American establishment helped out what was the bane of Western Democracy - the Soviet Union. Britain goes to war supposedly to protect Poland, and yet it helps out one of the aggressors that invaded Poland (twice) with military aid who then occupies and controls it for 45 years. Tens of millions dead and 6 years later Europe is worse off than before the start of WWII; here’ s a peek at the actions of an individual that helped influence the outcome of a brutal war and the immediate post-war period. But you can’ t have a Cold War without a stalemate, and for that you need to share the technology. And who was behind some of the most secret technology (can you say atomic bomb?!) information transfers? Well, it wasn’t the red herring John Cairncross that’s been touted for decades. Roland Perry presents the Fifth Man of the Cambridge spy group that really was the most effective of them all, a powerful man of influence in Britain and yet never revealed to the public like his accomplices were.
Roland Perry has spoken to key players in MI5 and the KGB, in London, Australia and Moscow in order to end decades of speculation about post-war British espionage. He reveals the identity of the “Fifth Man“ - the man who assumed the legacies of Philby, Burgess, Maclean and Blunt.
Roland Perry reveals a fragment of the dark side of WWII you’ll never learned about in school or heard in the historical narrative of WWII; of how one of the Anglo-American establishment helped out what was the bane of Western Democracy---the Soviet Union. Britain goes to war supposedly to protect Poland, and yet it helps out one of the aggressors that invaded Poland (twice) with military aid who then occupies and controls it for 45 years. Tens of millions dead and 6 years later Europe is worse off than before the start of WWII; here’s a peek at the actions of an individual that helped influence the outcome of a brutal war and the immediate post-war period.
But you can’t have a Cold War without a stalemate, and for that you need to share the technology. And who was behind some of the most secret technology (can you say atomic bomb?!) information transfers? Well, it wasn’t the red herring John Cairncross that’s been touted for decades---Roland Perry presents the Fifth Man of the Cambridge spy group that really was the most effective of them all, a powerful man of influence in Britain and yet never revealed to the public like his accomplices were.
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