After Effects Tutorials | Headphone Promo Tutorial | Urdu & Hindi

#ProductPromo #ProductAdvertisment After Effects Tutorials | Headphone Promo Tutorial | Urdu & Hindi Hi, I’m here with an awesome series of After Effects Tutorials. In this video, I’ll teach you how you can make a Promo animation for any kind of brand. As you can see I’m using Random Headphone to make this Headphone Promo Tutorial. I really appreciate it if you like, subscribe and comment on this video to let me know how much you like this. If you aren’t familiar with After Effects. I’ve already made a complete course of After Effects. The link is down below. I hope you’ll enjoy this Headphone Promo Tutorial. JazakAllah. Here is After Effects for Beginners Full Course Playlist Here is Video Editing Playlist Here is the link to Waqas Ahmed channel. My Instagram This is my personal E-Mail. For further Business inquiry Contact me. shoaibaghi@ ____________________________
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