You’ll never drink Coca Cola, Mirinda or any soft drink after watching this | How much sugar in coke

Worldwide people drink over billions of liters of softdrinks like Pepsi, Coca Cola, Mirinda & Mountain Dew. Have you ever wondered How much sugar in coke? Or what are the harms of drinking coke? Not only coke in fact all the soft drinks have more or less similar composition. We checked Coca Cola, Mirinda, Pepsi & Mountain Dew for sugar contents and were surprised to know the HIGH CONTENT of harmful elements. In our test: 1. We took samples of various sizes of Soft Drinks & majored number of teaspoons of sugar in them. 2. We also checked the health problems which can occur due to consuming soft drinks even in a moderate quantity over the time. 3. See how much sugar Coca Cola, Mirinda, Pepsi & Mountain Dew contains ! Sound Credits:
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