USA: Violent clashes erupt between protesters and federal agents in Portland

Subscribe to our channel! Clashes between federal agents and protesters continued to escalate outside the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse in Portland, on the night from Sunday to Monday. Several federal officers were seen pushing down a protester and holding her to the ground while she was trying to escape. A federal agent was then seen pointing his gun at protesters while asking them to back off. Smoke was also seen billowing from fireworks thrown by the protesters and the tear gas that law enforcement forces used against them. While the protests have been ongoing since the death of George Floyd in May, federal agents have used tear gas to disperse demonstrators and have been accused of unlawfully detaining individuals involved in the movement, causing tensions to escalate in recent days. Protesters have resorted to throwing fireworks at officers standing guard outside federal buildings, where barriers have been erected, and both officers and protesters have reported numerous inj
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