Exterior, at night, of Odeon, Leicester Square, with crowds and cars assembling at the entrance. Interior, jammed packed foyer of the Odeon. CU. Pan, Tommy Steele walking into the foyer. SV. Jill Ireland. SV. Sophia Loren talking with Yvonne Mitchell & Jack Hawkins. CU. Jayne Mansfield. SCU. Kenneth More and Jack Hawkins. LV. Little four year old Sarah More, standing in centre of the foyer waiting arrival of the Queen. SV. Queen Elizabeth II walks into foyer and shakes hands with Mr Ralph Bromhead, Chairman of the Fund. LV. Sir Philip Warter, Trustee of the Fund, shakes hands with Queen. Sir Philip Warter shakes hands with Princess Alexandra, camera pans to Queen walking with Lord Rank. GV. Queen shaking hands with Cecil B. De Mille. SCU. Queen talking to Cecil B. De Mille. CU. Heather Sears watching. SV. Queen being presented with bouquet by Sarah More. LV. Sarah More makes curtsy to the Queen. SV. Queen talking to Kenneth More. She moves on and shakes hands with singer Tommy Steele. CU.