Substance painter and Blender Texturing Game Ready Cartoony Shotgun

Substance painter and Blender Texturing Game Ready Cartoony Shotgun Short timelapse of my workflow blender to substance painter and vice versa. In my latest videos you see me use substance painter alot and there is reason for that. It mainly speeds up my hand painting workflow as there is really nice and fast baking system with all the necessary maps such as edge detection as in edge curvature map or cavity, light setup is pretty easy and saves alot of time aswel as having stuff with height maps for some nice shading or dirt textures. Workflow is pretty easy and beginner friendly. if you are interested into something like this I can do short tutorial in upcoming video explaining my workflow aswel as some simple material creation in substance painter. If you would like to support me you can drop at my media: Find me on: Fiverr: Thank yo
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