Märk hur vår skugga by Viking Cowboy

Imperiet cover Märk hur vår skugga (Mark how our shadow) is one of the best-known of the 1790 Fredman’s Epistles, where it is No. 81. These were written and performed by Carl Michael Bellman, the dominant figure in the Swedish song tradition. Its subject is the funeral of one of Bellman’s female acquaintances, Märk hur vår skugga (Mark how our shadow) lyrics Märk hur vår skugga, märk Movitz mon frére – Notice how our Shadow, notice Movitz mon Fr ckre Inom ett mörker sig slutar – Within a darkness itself ends Hur guld å purpur i skoveln, den där – How gold and purple in the shovel, that Byts till grus å klutar – Changed to grus on klutar Vinkar Karon från sin brusande älv – Waving Karon from his roaring river å tre gånger sen dödgrävaren själv – three times since the gravedigger himself Med du din druva ej ryster – With you your grape does not rustle
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