Top 10 Peaceful Freshwater and Marine Aquarium Fish
Like keeping peaceful community fish in aquarium I have a list for you. Peaceful Community Fish don’t attack their tank mates, moves in group and lives peacefully in the aquarium. Some people like peaceful fish over aggressive fish if they don’t want to hurt or kill the existing fish in the aquarium. Watch this Top 10 Peaceful Freshwater and Marine Aquarium Fish video and know more about it. Also tell me about your suggestion if you have one. You can jump and skip the sections by clicking on the timestamp against the topic you want to watch.
Top 10 Peaceful Freshwater and Marine Aquarium Fish
10. Neon Tetras 0:30
9. Platies and Swordtails 1:07
8. Fancy Guppies 1:48
7. Common Hatchetfish 2:26
6. Zebra Danio 3:11
5. Blenny Fish 3:55
4. Butterfly Fish 4:38
3. Chalk Bass 5:19
2. Clownfish 6:13
1. Mollies 6:58
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