Nene Bo Peep must find a Sheep so she can sleep before the Sun goes down hololive/engsub

Nene Momosuzu plays Minecraft. Original stream: Nene’s channel: Music used: No Time for Caution - Hans Zimmer (Interstellar OST) Yeah, I served in the ‘Saba. Volunteered back in 21’. Got caught up in the Canadian propaganda machine. Totally bought all that ‘Give the Tubers their Due!’ and ‘Don’t let Little Timmy’s allowance go to the Idol Menace!’ stuff. As soon as I touched down, I knew I had been lied to. They gave me my standard-issue pump-action super-soaker, dressed me in the green of the country. Posted me in some fern-covered hellhole miles away from headquarters and told me ‘Anyone who runs is a Tuber. Anyone who stands still is a well-trained Tuber’. I’ll be honest. I never really thought I’d have to soak somebody. But I heard stories. The trees spoke Peko-language. The ducks were known spies. The onions were laced with neurodegenerative toxins. Cats and dogs were in cahoots with one ano
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