4 Corners of the World. To the south? - To the south-east. Компас. На север? - На юго-восток

English Vocabulary, A1 Four Corners of the World Compass [ˈkʌmpəs] 1. north [nɔːθ] - север 2. south [saʊθ] - юг 3. east [iːst] - восток 4. west [wɛst] - запад 5. north(-)east [nɔːθ-iːst] - северо-восток 6. north(-)west [nɔːθ-wɛst] - северо-запад 7. south(-)east [saʊθ- iːst] - юго-восток 8. south(-)west [ˌsaʊθˈwɛst] - юго-запад 9. where? - где? [weə] 10. in the north - на севере [ɪn ðə nɔːθ] 11. in the south - на юге [ɪn ðə saʊθ] 12. in the east - на востоке [ɪn ði iːst] 13. in the west - на западе [ɪn ðə wɛst ] 14. where to? - куда [weə tuː?] 15. to the north - на север [tuː ðə nɔːθ] 16. to the south - на юг [tuː ðə
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