Я стою за каждым произнесенным мною словом - я знаю, куда они тебя приведут
Live broadcast of Open Satsang with Mooji from Rishikesh, India.
Satsang recorded on Thursday, 2nd March, 2017
Welcome to Satsang with Mooji. Satsang offers the opportunity to look within and directly discover our true and timeless Being. Mooji’s guidance and pointings to Truth are a unique opportunity for genuine self-discovery. For Mooji there is no difference, no separation between those in the hall physically or those watching online. Satsang with Mooji is broadcast live on this channel and is free and open to all.
Open Satsangs in Rishikesh, India
16 February – 19 March 2017
Wednesdays to Sundays at 10am IST
For translations and more information, please see the Live Satsang page
Recordings of previous live broadcasts are available on
Music played before Satsang by Prakash.
Their CD ‘Heart to Heart’ is available at
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2 weeks ago 01:59:31 34
Золотые хиты ВИА семидесятых. Сборник лучших песен