THEME なあ/ね/よ 【Today’s Homework】 Let’s make some sentence using “よ!ね!なあ!“ xD たくさん作ってみましょu!^^ Even one sentence is good!^^ Please give it a try!!^^ It was not allowed to bring mobile to my school but it became okay to bring mobile from this year. Please give it a try!XD If my English grammar is wrong, please correct me too LOL Let’s study each other!!XD haha みんなで日本語でシェアしましょう!^^ Let’s enjoy learning Japanese with me!! If you follow me on twitter, we can talk about anything about Japan with me and also my Japanese lover followers!!☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ You can study more with my website, twitter and instagram! 【website】 【twitter】 【instagram】 I am checking everyone’s comment so if you have any question or request, feel free to ask me! I will answer as much as I can.o(`ω´ )o
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