Merkava Tank Fires Gun Launched Anti Tank Missile Lahat

The LAHAT (“Laser Homing Attack“ or “Laser Homing Anti-Tank“, also a Hebrew word for incandescence) is a third generation semi-active laser homing guided low-weight anti-tank guided missile developed since 1992 and manufactured by Israel Aerospace Industries. It was designed primarily to be fired by Merkava tanks’ 105 mm and 120 mm tank guns, though it matches all types of 105 mm and 120 mm guns, including low recoil guns and low-weight guns of military armored cars. It is also suitable for patrol ships, possibly modified for 105–106 mm recoil-less rifles, UAVs, HMMWVs, and SPAAGs. Unlike other tank rounds, LAHAT does not need a tank gun for operation. #Israel ==========WHOMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERN============= Most of the pictures clip or BGM included in the Video Belongs to their Respected Owners and i do not claim rights.i am using them under following act : =================DISCLAIMER======================= UNDER SECTION 107 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT 1976, ALLOWANCE IS MADE FOR “FAIR USE“ FOR PURPOSES SUCH AS C
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