31 jo kata - SUPER SLOW MOTION - Lewis Bernaldo de Quiros - Takemusu Aikido Online Dojo

As requested, after yesterdays TAE Online Class with Paul Keessen working on the 31 Jo Kata. The 31 Jo Kata in Super Slow Motion / ’SUPER LENTO!’ Here performed by TAE Technical Director Lewis Bernaldo de Quiros, 6th Dan. Lewis was a permanent soto deshi in Iwama under Morihiro Saito shihan from 1986 until 1993. THE TAKEMUSU AIKIDO ONLINE DOJO: Aikido practice is a jewel: work hard to polish and refine, and it becomes precious and valuable. Aikido practice is a gift, share it and see its effect to transform lives. I know this from direct experience, it has changed mine totally. I know that Aikido exists nowhere else but in each and every individual that practices the way. Experience says Aikido is an art passed on through touch, the transmission between student and teacher. However, experience also says that it is transmitted through correct and careful instruction, by the watchful eye of teacher and student. The Takemusu Aikido Online Dojo was created to
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