Western Fleet Takes The Air (1950)

Full title reads: “Western Fleet Takes The Air“. The Mediterranean. GV Fleet at sea. SV Ships in line ahead. MV sailor signals with Aldis lamp. LS of warships in convoy. CU French flag flying. SV warship. CU two sailors look through binoculars. Air to air Seafires in flight. CU French pilot. Aerial shot of the cruiser HMS Liverpool. CU Vice Admiral Lambert (French C-in-C Western Fleet) and Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten. CU Admiral Lambert and Admiral Mountbatten. MV Aircraft carrier - ’Arromanches’ (Ex-Colossus) LV Seafires on deck of Arromanches. SV French pilots chatting by ’plane. VS French VIP observers. CU French member of parliament, wearing Skull cap. SV Men loading wings of Seafires. CU Pilot in cockpit. adjusting oxygen mask. SV Seafires revving up. MV Elevated pan Seafire taking off. MV Pan aircraft taking off. CU Pilot giving ’thumbs up’. MV Towards and pan Seafire taking off. CU anti-aircraft gunner. MV Seafires in flight. SV Seafires in flight. CU Back of Pilot. MV Seafires peeling
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