Wonder Drug (1955)

Folkestone, Kent. M/S of three people wearing white protective uniforms. C/U of a woman adjusting the glasses on the head of another person. The woman inspects the uniforms of a line of girls to make sure they are ready for work in the sterile room of the Folkestone plant manufacturing “the wonder drug - terramycin“. C/U shot of a girl weighing yellow powdered drug. This is where the drug is weighed and packed into special sterilised bottles - informs the voiceover. M/S of two uniformed workers opening a large metal door of the sterilising oven. They wheel out huge trays filed with sterilised bottles. High angle shot of two uniformed workers in front of the bottle filling machines. High angle M/S of a girl taking the lid off a large bowl and pouring the yellow powder in the machine. Narrator talks about the history of antibiotics. High angle C/U shot of powder in the bowl. C/U shot of a hand closing the bowl. Cut to a C/U shot from the side reveals mixing bowl, similar to food-processor, where the
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