The Paranormal Activity Timeline in Chronological Order

It used to be, when things went bump in the night, you’d have to frantically try to convince your loved ones it was something otherworldly based on your word alone. Not so in the 21st century! The Paranormal Activity series brought good old caught on camera, found footage horror home in a big way with its humble beginnings as an indie passion project for director Oren Peli. Subsequent Paranormal Activity movies revealed that initial haunting was only part of a much larger picture that spans decades and even dips back and forth through time. Yes, time travel is a thing in Paranormal Activity! So with Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin starting the franchise back up on Paramount , let’s take a look at the Paranormal Activity Timeline in Chronological Order. Spoilers for each and every movie ahead! From Paranormal Activity 1 to Paranormal Activity 2 to Paranormal Activity 3 to Paranormal Activity 4, and then all the ones that dropped the numbers in their titles - The Marked Ones, The G
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