11 minutes ago! Italy in mourning! Shocking Footage of Historical Storm! In Sicily everyone prays!

The wave of bad weather in Sicily brings numerous inconveniences and damages, especially in the eastern part of the island, where heavy rains and storm surges are pouring, sometimes destructive, caused by gale-force winds. There are many viability issues, especially between the provinces of Messina and Catania, currently the hardest hit. Due to bad weather, a section of state road 114 “East Sikula“ was ordered to be closed due to flooding caused by the storm. In particular, the closure was ordered at around 11,600 kilometers in the area of Santa Margherita in the province of Messina. Also in Nicolosi, still in the province of Messina, traffic on Sp 92 is being shut down due to fallen concrete lampposts and cables in the street. Flooding and storm surge damage also in the Syracuse and Ragusa areas. In Syracuse, there was a water outage in most of the city. But not only rain and wind create problems: low temperatures bring heavy snowfalls to the hills, with accumulations of more t
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