NO COMMENTS ALLOWED. THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FROM BEING AN IDIOT. RESPECT THE VIDEO, THE BABIES AND THEIR FAMILY. STOP THE HATE, THE DRAMA MOST OF ALL, STOP BEING HEARTLESS. ---»Requested by cinnamoncandy674. sorry. My videos are always soo bad with mistakes. 2004-2006, the real date. sorry at the beggining.. The mother of the twins was expeting two healthy little Girls, when the 1st one was almost borning, they had to do an emergency c-extion to take the other one alive. when the Babies were born, doctors were chocked, Manar Islaam were attached by heads.. and Islaam didnt have a body. they made a surgery to remove Islaam’s parasit head and 1 year later (2 years after they were born) Manar died due to a Brain infection. they are together in Heaven now. Always remenbering Manar. Non-profit video at all. Clip thanks to Steph for downloading it for me as My downloader wasnt worcking pics thanks to Google. I did not own the song. for solideraty purposes only.
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