Ukraine EuroMaidan 2014: Revolution or Coup?

Was EuroMaidan events in 2014 a Revolution or a Coup? George Galloway starts with: We are discussing Ukraine; not yesterday in Ukraine but the beginning of the war in Ukraine which was not 12 months ago as most commentators and did much of the public imagine that it began, it began in the maidan in the maidan coup or the maidan revolution according to your taste. The United States and the European Union were deeply involved in the events of 2014 in Kiev the capital of the western Ukrainian State as it will almost certainly now be remembered as the uprising that took place there was no doubt in part genuine but it was equally in no doubt part confected by the EU and the U.S although the U.S plenty potentially then won Victoria Newland who pops up extraordinarily often in the Ukraine story and not just in the Ukraine story she famously said f*** the EU at that point the EU was acting as something of a break on events in Ukraine whereas now they are entirely subservient to the U.S line still being piloted by the very same Victoria Newland … #ukraine #nato #russia #eu #maidan #biden #putin #zelensky *********** First broadcast on Almayadeen Monday 10th July @ 19:00 BST (18:00 GMT) The show in London with experts in studio and some video links, is hosted by #georgegalloway Like what you see? Please subscribe to this channel *********** Twitter: Twitter: Threads: @kalimahorra Facebook: Instagram: Telegram email: yoursay@ Shows: ************ CONTRIBUTORS: Robert Oulds Director, Bruges Group Edward Renyard Activist, Workers Party Great Britain James Randolph Filmmaker and broadcaster Dr. Stephen Hall “Video link From Bath, England Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Russian and Post-Soviet Politics“ Prof. Ivan Katchanovski “Video link From Ottawa, Canad Professor at the school of political studies, University of Ottawa“ ************ Arabic link Promo: كلمة حرة ساحة الاستقلال في أوكرانيا بداية القصة PROMO English link PROMO: ********** Original full length on Almayadeen YouTube page with Arabic subtitle: كلمة حرة | ساحة الاستقلال في أوكرانيا: بداية القصة كيف بدأت الحرب في أوكرانيا؟ لم تبدأ الحرب في اوكرانيا منذ 12 شهرًا، بل عند ساحة الاستقلال كانت نقطة البداية من خلال انقلاب أو ثورة ساحة الاستقلال. الولايات المتحدة والاتحاد الأوروبي كانتا متورطان بشدة في أحداث 2014 في كييف، عاصمة دولة ذات ميول غربيّة. إن الاحتجاجات التي وقعت هناك كانت حقيقيّة من دون شكّ إلى حدّ ما، إلا أنها مصطنعة بالحدّ نفسه من دون شكّ أيضًا. إن أحداث 2014 المعروفة بأحداث ساحة الاستقلال أو الميدان الأوروبي، كانت تكتسح كل الشاشات. من غير المفاجئ أن البرلمان الأوكراني كان يحتدم، في حين أُجبر الرئيس على مغادرة البلاد. #حرب_روسيا_وأوكرانيا #اوكرانيا #الميادين
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