TUTORIAL - FORMER PC GARY WATERMAN: How to build evidential documents - International fraud.
I am a former Police officer, recent Christian and victim of this system of fraud.
This video shows, as best I can, how you can build your own evidential documents regarding mankinds largest fraud, by our own Governments and being used in relation to the taxation system and real estate.
The documents can be built to show irrefutable evidence of fraud in relation to any companies registered with Companies House, including those linked to Politicians, Councillors, and Government organisations.
These documents can be used to provide irrefutable and corroborative evidence of fraud, to such an extent, that tax contributions can be withheld until the following implementations take place:
1) A transparent taxation system, at the source of payments (ie bank) available to view by all UK citizens.
2) Full verification of all existing and new company registrations with Companies House.
3) Strict legislation to prevent any members of Parliament from being able to make decisions based on their own or affiliated personal gains.
4) Written confirmation from the Government, confirming that no further measures will be made to move to a cashless society, which will risk enslavement of the general public through this criminal system and everything that comes with it.
5) A transparent transaction system at the source of payments (ie Bank) for all Leasehold properties that can be viewed by all leaseholders and that full verification of management details take place as well as there being a suitably signed management agreement in place.
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