UFO Fleet Over Lehigh, Florida On 2-29-2020, UFO Sighting News.

MUFON 113798 Eyewitness states: I had just got out of work and was turning I to the street that takes me to the street I live in (I live at the end of the street and it’s one of the streets that branches out of that main street) and as soon as I turned into maple street I saw all off these orbs just stationary in the sky and some disappeared and would re appear. I was in a hurry to get home because I was suppose to go to a wedding that was 30min away so I was only able to record about a minute of footage. This video is the 2nd clip that I recorded that night, the first clip I recorded is about 20 seconds long but I didn’t upload it because it through the inside on the cars windows so there was some reflection from the street light, the video I uploaded is recorded holding my phone out the window while driving.
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